Giles Tow
1947-Early 1950's
This was a small ski
area that was in known operation during the late 1940's, and into at least the
1950's. The area opened around 1947 and was originally called "Omer Giles
Tow", named after the owner. In the early 1950's, it was renamed Pinkham
Notch but was still operated by Omer Giles. It had a rope tow, 2 slopes,
and 4 trails for intermediates and experts (From the 1949 Eastern Ski
Map). The area was either located on Rte. 16, or the end of Pinkham Notch Road in Jackson. It was definitely not Wildcat as that opened around
Amazingly enough,
one of our own NELSAP readers, George Putnam,
has skied at this area. To the right is a photo that he took in February
of 1950, at the base of the ski area. The rope tow was located to the far
right, and ended close to the birches. As you can see, the area consisted
of this main slope, and perhaps others in the woods. |
And here's another view looking down towards
Rte. 16 from George. You can see riders going
up the rope tow, and what is likely Rte 16 below. The area is probably
grown in today, but not necessarily. It could not be found on Terraserver. |
English helped give the location of this lost area on
Terraserver. As you can see, the slope is only slightly perceptible, but
it appears a house or some other building has been built at the base. |

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