Providence/Johnston, RI
Years operational unknown
Ahah...another one for Rhode Island! Thanks to NELSAP
reader Don, we now know of this ski area. Here are the details:
"I'm not sure if you know but there is an old
abandoned ski area located at Neutaconkanut Hill. It is located on
Plainfield Street on the Providence/Johnston Rhode Island line. I believe
it is very old. There are 3 slopes. There are two tow rope towers with the
wheels still on them. People still sled down part of the hill. I
metal detect for old coins and have found a few on the slope and surrounding
area. There is a soccer field and baseball field at the bottom of the
slope. It might have been run by the town."
Here's the Topographic
map of the hill. |


Here's a great overhead shot
of the area, courtesy of Art D. |
A view of the park, lost ski
area in the background all grown in, from Art. Summer 2004. |


More views of the slope,
from Art too. |
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