Thanks to Brian Lindner, President of the Waterbury, VT Historical Society, Inc., we now know of this ski area that operated in Waterbury. Brian has done some research on the lost ski areas of Waterbury and found several great articles which describe this area best. The rope tow that operated from here most likely, but not necessarily, came from the Perry Hill ski area that operated in Waterbury in 1938. Pinnacle Park operated at Wissell Mountain with the base apparently on Stowe Street.
Here are the two articles:
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Record Jan. 05, 1939
The newly organized Waterbury Ski Club was host to a huge throng of ski fans over the holiday week-end. Many came by bus and in cars from various sections of New England. For the first time, in the history of thi's winter sports center, nearly 100 ski enthusiasts from the New York Metropolitan area were booked specifically for hotels and tourists homes in Waterbury. Regular ell expense tours for skiers to Waterbury are being offered on all regular trains during the skiing season which is conducted by the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad. From the moment the Ski Meister stopped at Waterbury early Saturday morning, until it pulled out Friday night, these people were active on the local slopes Members of the Ski Club met the train and assisted in transporting and getting the visitors settled in their temporary I lodgings. Later they acted as guides to those who elected to try the scenic ski trails.
Waterbury's unique Pinnacle Park
Skiland particularly fascinated the visitors, day and night it was crowded
with skiers. This natural winter wonderland, only five minutes walk from
the center of the village, is a series of treeless, undulating slopes
rising to a fan shaped peak, several hundred feet in height. At' the top
of this peak is a well lighted ski tow, facing a 1000 foot. open roller
coaster slope. This whole area is clean and free from any obstruction.
The holiday crowd was exceptionally well handled. The members of the Ski Club and the -people of the town did everything possible to give the visitors a good time and make them feel at home. To show their appreciation, many of the guests joined the Waterbury Ski Club and purchased the club emblem to wear on their jackets. Most of them promised to return on the tours, which from now on through the winter will be conducted every week-end. |
![]() A staged photo--this is looking uphill, even though the skiers are pointing downhill! |
![]() A view of the rope tow. Notice the towers, they resemble poma towers! |
The Waterbury Ski Club has full charge of winter sports in Waterbury. Its roster now contains over 150 names and it is rapidly growing. The officers are as follows: President, Arthur Brown; Secretary, Eddie Griffiths; Treasurer, Stanley Chase; Board of Directors, Arthur Brown, Eddie Griffiths, Stanley Chase, Joe Woods, Leslie Smith and Ivan Burnham. A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Waterbury Ski Club was held Monday evening at Clements' Tavern. Plans were made for a big Winter Carnival and Skier's Ball to be held over Lincoln's Birthday week-end. The first Annual Winter Carnival, February 11th and 12th, will be held at the new Pinnacle Park Ski-land. There will be, competitive events for club members and guests. Junior events will take place Saturday morning and afternoon and events for seniors and guests will be held Sunday morning and afternoon Obstacle races and a. straw ride will be included in the general festivities.. The skier's ball will be held Saturday night, February 11 at the Waterbury High School Auditorium. This will be an informal dance with those attending permitted to wear their ski clothes, if they choose to do so. The Collegians Orchestra of Barre has been engaged to furnish the music. The 1000 foot flood lighted Ski Tow at Pinnacle Park Skiland operates weather permitting, on the following schedule: Tuesdays and Thursdays, afternoons and evenings; Saturdays and Sundays, all day.
Here's another article which describes Sepp Ruschp's ski school.
If there are enough interested in taking ski lessons this winter the services of Sepp Ruschp, noted teacher and ski authority, may be engaged. Lessons will be given according to classifications, that is there will be classes. for novices and advanced students, although the complete course will cover 5 lessons of one hour each.
Classes will be held Thursday afternoons of each week at 3:30 and 4:30 and also Thursday evenings at 7:30 and if there are enough skiers, another class at 8:30.
This ski course is offered at a special low rate, making it possible for everyone to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to learn how to ski, and to those who already know how, a chance to perfect their style.
All those interested are urged to. notify Mrs. Dan Ryder or Arthur Brown, President of the Waterbury Ski Club, at once so that classes may be started as soon as the weather permits. Arthur Brown may be reached by calling Randall's Pharmacy.
The following week, another brief article mentioned a new sign for the ski area:
A new sign was put up this week at the intersection of Stowe and Main streets with large letters reading Waterbury Ski Club, Ski Tow 1/8 mile. This sign will no doubt attract many skiers to Waterbury's conveniently located ski tow.
Several other sources also describe this area, though less eloquently:
Guide to New England)
Many open slopes
1000 foot rope tow
Trails in the East and How to Find Them)
Waterbury has a few
short trails, practice slopes, and a 1000 foot tow within a short distance
of the town.
Skier's Guide)
Many open slopes,
1000 foot tow